Artigos mais relevantes
Acesse abaixo o link da produção mais relevante do PPGBB (2019 e 2020):
Couto-Vieira J et al. Multi-cancer V-ATPase molecular signatures: A distinctive balance of subunit C isoforms in esophageal carcinoma. EBioMedicine. 2020. 51:102581
Cogo AJD et al. Plasma membrane H+ pump at a crossroads of acidic and iron stresses in yeast-to-hypha transition. Metallomics. 2020.12(12):2174.
de Sousa GF et al. Dermatan sulfate obtained from the Phallusia nigra marine organism is responsible for antioxidant activity and neuroprotection in the neuroblastoma-2A cell lineage. Int J Biol Macromol. 2020. 64:1099.
Gebara RS et al. Identification and Characterization of Two Defensins from Capsicum annuum Fruits that Exhibit Antimicrobial Activity. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. 2020 12(3):1253.
Moharana KC, Venancio TM. Polyploidization events shaped the transcription factor repertoires in legumes (Fabaceae). Plant J. 2020. 103(2):726.
Passarelli-Araujo H et al. Genomic analysis unveils important aspects of population structure, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance in Klebsiella aerogenes. FEBS J. 2019. 286(19):3797.
da Silva FJR et al. Pervasive Inter-Individual Variation in Allele-Specific Expression in Monozygotic Twins. Front Genet. 2019. 10:1178.
de Carvalho LP et al. Ivermectin Impairs the Development of Sexual and Asexual Stages of Plasmodium falciparum In Vitro. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019. 63(8):e00085
Lemos Rocha G et al. Programmed cell death in soybean seed coats. Plant Sci. 2019. 288:110232.
Martins BX et al. Myrtenal-induced V-ATPase inhibition – A toxicity mechanism behind tumor cell death and suppressed migration and invasion in melanoma. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 2019. 1863(1):1.
Mendonça MS et al. Epigenetic variation at the SLC6A4 gene promoter in mother-child pairs with major depressive disorder. J Affect Disord. 2019. 15;245:716-723.
Acesse abaixo o link da produção mais relevante do PPGBB do ano de 2018:

Acesse abaixo os links das produções mais relevantes do PPGBB do ano de 2017:
Evolution and multiple roles of the Pancrustacea specific transcription factor zelda in insects. Ribeiro, Lupis; Tobias-Santos, Vitória; Santos, Daniele; Antunes, Felipe ; Feltran, Geórgia ; De Souza Menezes, Jackson; Aravind, L.; Venancio, Thiago M.; Nunes Da Fonseca, Rodrigo . PLoS Genetics, v. 13, p. e1006868, 2017. (link )
Tumor cell cholesterol depletion and V-ATPase inhibition as an inhibitory mechanism to prevent cell migration and invasiveness in melanoma. Costa Gildeide A, Souza Savio B, Teixeira Layz RS, Okorokov Lev A, Arnholdt Andrea CV, Okorokova-Façanha Anna L, Façanha Arnoldo R. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects , v. 1862, p. 684-691, 2017. (link
Placental Histopathology and Clinical Presentation of Severe Congenital Zika Syndrome in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Exposed Uninfected Infant. Rabelo K, de Souza Campos Fernandes RC, de Souza L, Louvain de Souza T, Dos Santos FB, Guerra Nunes PC, de Azeredo EL, Salomão NG, Trindade GF, Basílio-de-Oliveira CA, de Carvalho JJ, Medina-Acosta Enrique, Paes MV Front Immunol. (2017) 8:1704.(link
Interaction between the plant ApDef1 defensin and Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in yeast death through a cell cycle- and caspase-dependent process occurring via uncontrolled oxidative stress. Soares Julia R, Melo Erica JT, Cunha Maura, Fernandes Valevski Katia S, Taveira Gabriel B ; Pereira LS, Trindade FG, Regente M, Pinedo M, Canal LL, Gomes Valdirene M, Carvalho Andre. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. G, General Subjects (Print), v. 1861, p. 3429-3443, 2017. (link )
Challenging metastatic breast cancer with the natural defensin PvD. Figueira TN, Oliveira FD, Almeida I, Mello Erica O, Gomes Valdirene M, Castanho MARB, Gaspar D. Nanoscale, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017. (link!divAbstract)
Produção QUALIS A – Triênio 2010-2012
1. VENANCIO, T. M. ; ARAVIND, L. . CYSTM, a novel cysteine-rich transmembrane module with a role in stress tolerance across eukaryotes. Bioinformatics (Oxford), v. 26, p. 149-152, 2010. Impacto – 5,468.
2. Zottich, Umberto ; Da Cunha, Maura ; Carvalho, André O. ; Dias, Germana B. ; Silva, Nádia C.M. ; Santos, Izabela S. ; do Nascimento, Viviane V. ; Miguel, Emílio C. ; Machado, Olga L.T. ; Gomes, Valdirene M. . Purification, biochemical characterization and antifungal activity of a new lipid transfer protein (LTP) from Coffea canephora seeds with ?-amylase inhibitor properties. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. G, General Subjects (Print), v. 1810, p. 375-383, 2011. Impact0 – 5,0.
3. Basso, Thiago O. ; de Kok, Stefan ; Dario, Marcelo ; do Espirito-Santo, Júlio Cézar A. ; Müller, Gabriela ; Schlölg, Paulo S. ; Silva, Carlos P. ; Tonso, Aldo ; Daran, Jean-Marc ; Gombert, Andreas K. ; van Maris, Antonius J.A. ; Pronk, Jack T. ; Stambuk, Boris U. . Engineering topology and kinetics of sucrose metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for improved ethanol yield. Metabolic Engineering (Print), v. 13, p. 694-703, 2011. Impacto – 5,614.
4. LOUVAIN DE SOUZA, T. ; FERNANDES, R. C. S. C. ; MEDINA-ACOSTA, E. . Maternal HIV Infection and Antibody Responses in Uninfected Infants. JAMA (Chicago, Ill.), v. 305, p. 1964-1964, 2011. Impacto – 30,011
- BAHIA, A. C. ; KUBOTA, M.S. ; TEMPONE, A.J. ; ARAÚJO, H.R.C. ; GUEDES, B.A.M. ; ORFANO, A. S. ; TADEI, W. P. ; VELASQUEZ, C.M.R. ; HAN, Y. S. ; SECUNDINO, N.F.C. ; BARILLAS-MURY, C. ; PIMENTA, P. F. P. ; TRAUB-CSEKO, Y. M. . The JAK-STAT Pathway Controls Plasmodium vivax Load in Early Stages of Anopheles aquasalis Infection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 5, p. e1317, 2011. Impacto – 4,716.
6. Souza Carvalho, Cristiane; Kasmapour, Bahram ; Gronow, Achim ; Rohde, Manfred; Rabinovitch, Michel; Gutierrez, Maximiliano Gabriel. Internalization, phagolysosomal biogenesis and killing of mycobacteria in enucleated epithelial cells. Cellular Microbiology (Print), Volume 13, Issue 8, pages 1234–1249, 2011. Impacto – 5,458.
7. NOGUEIRA, F. C. ; SILVA, Carlos Peres ; SOARES, E. L. ; ALEXANDRE, D. ; Samuels, Richard Ian ; ARAGAO, F. J. ; PALMISANO, G. ; DOMONT, G. B. ; ROEPSTORFF, P. ; CAMPOS, F. A. P. . Global proteome changes in larvae of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) following ingestion of a cysteine proteinase inhibitor. Proteomics (Weinheim. Print), 2012. Impacto – 4,505.
8. Busato, Jader G. ; Lima, Lívia S. ; Aguiar, Natália O. ; Canellas, Luciano P.; OLIVARES, FÁBIO L. . Changes in labile phosphorus forms during maturation of vermicompost enriched with phosphorus-solubilizing and diazotrophic bacteria. Bioresource Technology, v. 110C, p. 390-395, 2012. Impacto – 4,98.
9. Luis Henrique S. Farias, Ana Paula D. Rodrigues, Fernando T. Silveira, Sérgio H. Seabra, Renato A. DaMatta, Elvira M. Saraiva, Edilene O. Silva Phosphatidylserine exposure and surface sugars in two Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis strains involved in cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2012. Impacto – 6,41.
- BAHIA, A. C. ; KUBOTA, M.S. ; TEMPONE, A.J. ; PINHEIRO, W.D. ; TADEI, W. P. ; SECUNDINO, N.F. ; TRAUB-CSEKO, Y.F. ; PIMENTA, P. F. P. . Anopheles aquasalis Infected by Plasmodium vivax displays unique gene expression profiles when compared to other malaria vectors and plasmodia.. Plos One, v. 5, p. e9795, 2010. Impacto – 4,092.
- Jamieson, S E ; Peixoto-Rangel, A L ; Hargrave, A C ; Roubaix, L-A de ; Mui, E J ; Boulter, N R ; Miller, E N ; Fuller, S J ; Wiley, J S ; Castellucci, L ; Boyer, K ; Peixe, R G ; Kirisits, M J ; Elias, L de Souza ; Coyne, J J ; Correa-Oliveira, R ; Sautter, M ; Smith, N C ; Lees, M P ; Swisher, C N ; Heydemann, P ; Noble, A G ; Patel, D ; Bardo, D ; Burrowes, D ; McLone, D ; Roizen, N ; Withers, S ; Bahia-Oliveira, L M G ; McLeod, R ; Blackwell, J M . Evidence for associations between the purinergic receptor P2X7 (P2RX7) and toxoplasmosis. Genes and Immunity, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2010. Impacto – 3,872.
- Lasunskaia, Elena ; Ribeiro, Simone C.M. ; Manicheva, Olga ; Gomes, Lia Lima ; Suffys, Philip N. ; Mokrousov, Igor ; Ferrazoli, Lucilaine ; Andrade, Marcelle R.M. ; Kritski, Afranio ; Otten, Tatiana . Emerging multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains of the Beijing genotype circulating in Russia express a pattern of biological properties associated with enhanced virulence. Microbes and Infection, p. 100, 2010. Impacto – 3,101.
- Canellas, Luciano P. ; Piccolo, Alessandro ; Dobbss, Leonardo B. ; Spaccini, Riccardo ; Olivares, Fábio L. ; Zandonadi, Daniel B. ; Façanha, Arnoldo R. . Chemical composition and bioactivity properties of size-fractions separated from a vermicompost humic acid. Chemosphere (Oxford), v. 78, p. 457-466, 2010. Impacto – 3,206.
- Liesen, André P. ; de Aquino, Thiago M. ; Carvalho, Cristiane S. ; Lima, Vânia T. ; de Araújo, Janete M. ; de Lima, José G. ; de Faria, Antônio R. ; MELO, Edésio José Tenório de ; Alves, Antonio J. ; Alves, Elias W. . Synthesis and evaluation of anti-Toxoplasma gondii and antimicrobial activities of thiosemicarbazides, 4-thiazolidinones and 1,3,4-thiadiazoles. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, v. 45, p. 3685-3691, 2010. Impacto – 3,346.
- Domingues, Sheyla F.S. ; Caldas-Bussiere, Maria C. ; Petretski, Marilvia D. ; Ohashi, Otávio M. ; Lima, Julianne S. ; Santos, Regiane R. ; Cordeiro, Marcela S. ; Gomes de Castro, Paulo H. . Effects of follicular phase and oocyte cumulus complexes quality on the protein profile and in vitro oocyte meiosis competence in Cebus apella. Fertility and Sterility, v. 93, p. 1662-1667, 2010. Impacto – 3,564.
- Venancio, Thiago M. ; Wilson, R. Alan ; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio ; DeMarco, Ricardo . Bursts of transposition from non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon families of the RTE clade in Schistosoma mansoni. International Journal for Parasitology, v. 40, p. 743-749, 2010. Impacto – 3,393.
- Venancio, Thiago M. ; BALAJI, S. ; GEETHA, S. ; ARAVIND, L. . Robustness and evolvability in natural chemical resistance: identification of novel systems properties, biochemical mechanisms and regulatory interactions. Molecular Biosystems (Print), v. 6, p. 1475, 2010. Impacto – 3,534.
- Lustoza, Ana Cristina D. M. ; Palma, Livia M. ; Façanha, Arnoldo R. ; Okorokov, Lev A. ; Okorokova-Façanha, Anna L. . P5A-Type ATPase Cta4p Is Essential for Ca2+ Transport in the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Plos One, v. 6, p. e27843, 2011. Impacto – 4,092.
- Amaral, Eduardo Pinheiro ; Kipnis, Thereza Liberman ; de Carvalho, Eulógio Carlos Queiróz ; da Silva, Wilmar Dias ; Leão, Sylvia Cardoso ; LASUNSKAIA, ELENA B. . Difference in Virulence of Mycobacterium avium Isolates Sharing Indistinguishable DNA Fingerprint Determined in Murine Model of Lung Infection. Plos One, v. 6, p. e21673, 2011. Impacto – 4,092.
- Deus-de-Oliveira, Natalia ; Felix, Shayany P. ; Carrielo-Gama, Camila ; Fernandes, Keysson V. ; DaMatta, Renato Augusto ; Machado, Olga L. T. Identification of Critical Amino Acids in the IgE Epitopes of Ric c 1 and Ric c 3 and the Application of Glutamic Acid as an IgE Blocker. Plos One, v. 6, p. e21455, 2011. Impacto – 4,092.
- dos Santos, Thiago Alves Teixeira ; Portes, Juliana de Araújo ; Damasceno-Sá, João Claudio ; Caldas, Lucio Ayres ; DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY ; DaMatta, Renato Augusto ; SEABRA, Sergio Henrique . Phosphatidylserine Exposure by Toxoplasma gondii Is Fundamental to Balance the Immune Response Granting Survival of the Parasite and of the Host. Plos One, v. 6, p. e27867, 2011. Impacto – 4,092.
- CARVALHO, A. O. ; GOMES, Valdirene Moreira . Plant Defensins and Defensin-Like Peptides – Biological Activities and Biotechnological Applications. Current Pharmaceutical Design (Print), v. 17, p. 4270-4293, 2011. Impacto – 3,87.
- Martins, Flaviano S. ; Elian, Samir D.A. ; Vieira, Angélica T. ; Tiago, Fabiana C.P. ; Martins, Ariane K.S. ; Silva, Flávia C.P. ; Souza, Éricka L.S. ; Sousa, Lirlândia P. ; Araújo, Helena R.C. ; PIMENTA, P. F. P. ; Bonjardim, Cláudio A. ; Arantes, Rosa M.E. ; Teixeira, Mauro M. ; Nicoli, Jacques R. . Oral treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain UFMG 905 modulates immune responses and interferes with signal pathways involved in the activation of inflammation in a murine model of typhoid fever. International Journal of Medical Microbiology (Print), v. 301, p. 359-364, 2011. Impacto – 4,173.
- Cruz, E.A. ; REUTER, S. ; MARTIN, H. ; Dehzad, N. ; Muzitano, M.F. ; Costa, S.S. ; Rossi-Bergmann, B. ; BUHL, R. ; STASSEN, M. ; TAUBE, C. . Kalanchoe pinnata inhibits mast cell activation and prevents allergic airway disease. Phytomedicine (Stuttgart), p. XX-XX, 2011. Impacto – 3,268.
- Diz, Marià ngela S. ; Carvalho, Andre O. ; Ribeiro, Suzanna F. F. ; Da Cunha, Maura ; Beltramini, Leila ; Rodrigues, Rosana ; Nascimento, Viviane V. ; Machado, Olga L. T. ; Gomes, Valdirene M. . Characterisation, immunolocalisation and antifungal activity of a lipid transfer protein from chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) seeds with novel Î -amylase inhibitory properties. Physiologia Plantarum (Kobenhavn. 1948), v. 142, p. 233-246, 2011. Impacto – 3,112.
- PEREIRA, K. R. B. ; BOTELHO JUNIOR, S. ; MACHADO, O. L. T. ; OLIVEIRA, A. E. A. ; FERNANDES, K. V. S. ; T. Jacinto . Passion fruit flowers: kunitz trypsin inhibitors and cystatin are differentially accumulated in developing buds and floral tissues (in press). Phytochemistry, v. 16, p. 1955-1961, 2011. Impacto – 3,351.
- MORAES, J. L. C. ; Arreola, R. ; Nallely Cabrera ; Saramago L. ; FREITAS, Daniela Reis Joaquim de ; MASUDA, Aoi ; VAZ JR., Itabajara ; Gómes-Puyou, M.T. ; Gómes-Puyou, A. ; Péres-Montfort, R. ; OLIVEIRA, C. J. L. . Structural and biochemical characterization of a recombinant Triosephosphate Isomerase from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, v. 41, p. 400-409, 2011. Impacto – 3,246.
- COELHO-FINAMORE, J. M. ; FREITAS, V.C. ; ASSIS, R.R. ; MELO, M.N. ; NOVOZHILOVA, N. ; SECUNDINO, N.F. ; PIMENTA, P. F. P. ; TURCO, S.J. ; Soares, R.P. . Leishmania infantum: Lipophosphoglycan intraspecific variation and interaction with vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. International Journal for Parasitology, v. 41, p. 333-342, 2011. Impacto – 3,393.
- Chagas, Andrezza C ; Calvo, Eric ; PIMENTA, P. F. P. ; Ribeiro, José MC . An insight into the sialome of Simulium guianense (DIPTERA:SIMulIIDAE), the main vector of River Blindness Disease in Brazil. BMC Genomics, v. 12, p. 612, 2011. Impacto – 4,073.
- MATTOSO, T. C. ; MOREIRA, Denise Dolores ; Samuels, R. I. . Symbiotic bacteria on the cuticle of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus protect workers from attack by entomopathogenic fungi. Biology Letters (Print), v. 7, p. 1-4, 2011. Impacto – 3,762.
- Oakley, M. S. ; ANANTHARAMAN, V. ; VENANCIO, T. M. ; Zheng, H. ; MAHAJAN, B. ; MAJAM, V. ; McCutchan, T. F. ; Myers, T. G. ; ARAVIND, L. ; KUMAR, S. . Molecular Correlates of Experimental Cerebral Malaria Detectable in Whole Blood. Infection and Immunity (Print), v. 79, p. 1244-1253, 2011. Impacto – 4,165.
- Balbuena, Tiago S. ; JO, Leonardo ; Pieruzzi, Fernanda P. ; Dias, Leonardo L.C. ; SILVEIRA, Vanildo ; SANTA-CATARINA, Claudete ; Junqueira, Magno ; THELEN, Jay J. ; Shevchenko, Andrej ; Floh, Eny I.S. . Differential proteome analysis of mature and germinated embryos of Araucaria angustifolia. Phytochemistry, v. 72, p. 302-311, 2011. Impacto – 3,351.
- Pieruzzi, F. P. ; Dias, L. L. C. ; Balbuena, T. S. ; SANTA-CATARINA, C. ; Santos, A. L. W. d. ; Floh, E. I. S. . Polyamines, IAA and ABA during germination in two recalcitrant seeds: Araucaria angustifolia (Gymnosperm) and Ocotea odorifera (Angiosperm). Annals of Botany (Print), v. 108, p. 337-345, 2011. Impacto – 4,03.
- BONIOLO, Fabrízio Siqueira ; Rodrigues, Raphael Cardoso ; PRATA, A.M.R. ; LÓPEZ, M.L. ; JACINTO, T. ; SILVEIRA, M. M. ; BERBERT-MOLINA, M. A. . Oxygen supply in Bacillus thuringiensis fermentations: bringing new insights on their impact on sporulation and -endotoxin production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2012. Impacto – 3,425.
- Vasconcellos, Halyka Luzorio Franzotti ; Scaramuzzi, Karina ; Nascimento, Ivan Pereira ; Da Costa Ferreira, Jorge M. ; Abe, Cecilia M. ; Piazza, Roxane M.F. ; Kipnis, Andre ;Dias da Silva, Wilmar . Generation of recombinant bacillus Calmette Guérin and Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing BfpA and intimin as vaccine vectors against enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Vaccine (Guildford), 2012. . Impacto – 3,766.
- DUTRA, N. T. ; Silveira, V. ; AZEVEDO, I. G. ; GOMES-NETO, L. R. ; Façanha, A.R. ; STEINER, N. ; GUERRA, M. P. ; FLOH, E. I. S. ; CATARINA, C. S. . Polyamines affect the cellular growth and structure of pro-embryogenic masses in Araucaria angustifolia embryogenic cultures through the modulation of proton pump activities and endogenous levels of polyamines.Physiologia Plantarum (Kobenhavn. 1948), 2012. Impacto 3,112.
- OLIVEIRA, E. A. G. ; ROMEIRO, N. ; RIBEIRO, E. S. ; SANTA-CATARINA, C. ; OLIVEIRA, A. E. A. ; SILVEIRA, V. ; SOUZA-FILHO, G. A. ; VENANCIO, T. M. ; Lopes, M. A. C. . Structural and functional characterization of the protein kinase Mps1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plos One, 2012 , Impacto – 4,092.
- VAZ JR, -. I. S. ; MASUDA, A. ; Parizi, L ; OLIVEIRA, C. J. L. . Multi-antigenic vaccine against the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus: a field evaluation. Vaccine (Guildford), v. 1, p. 1, 2012. . Impacto – 3,766.
- RIBEIRO, C. C. ; MONTEIRO, Renan Modesto ; FREITAS F.P. ; RETAMAL, C. A. ; TEIXEIRA L.R.S. ; PALMA, L. M. ; Façanha AR ; Okorokova-Façanha, AL ; Okorokov LA . Extracellular glucose increases the coupling capacity of the yeast V H(+)-ATPase and the resistance of its H+ transport activity to nitrate inhibition. Plos One, 2012. Impacto – 4,092.