Professors and Fields of Study




Dr. Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão

Field of study: Remote sensing for studies of the effects of forest fragmentation

Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto Dr. Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto
Field of study: Biology and conservation of living marine resources

Dr. Angela Pierre Vitória
Field of study: Plant physiological ecology and environmental stress

 Foto Dr. Gustavo Lazzaro Rezende

Field of study: Ecology of insects – water relations of insect eggs


Dr. Carlos Eduardo de Rezende
Field of study: Biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems

 Dr. Carlos Ramon Ruiz-Miranda
Field of study: Ethology and conservation of terrestrial vertebrates, with emphasis on mammals

Dr. Cristina Maria Magalhães de Souza
Field of study: Environmental contamination

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  • CV Lattes
Dr. Dora Maria Villela
Field of study: Nutrient cycling in coastal and terrestrial ecosystems

Foto Dr. Carlos Eduardo Veiga de Carvalho
Field of study: Geochemistry of heavy metals and environmental pollution

 Dr. Ilana Rosental Zalmon
Field of study: Ecology of marine communities

Dr. Leandro Rabello Monteiro
Field of study: Biometry and morphology of vertebrates

Dr. Marcelo Trindade Nascimento
Field of study: Ecology of plant communities

Dr. Marcos Antônio Pedlowski
Field of study: Environmental planning and conservation

Dr. Marcos Sarmet Salomão
Field of study: Ecology of ecosystems and aquatic biogeochemistry

Dr. Maria Cristina Gaglianone
Field of study: Biology and behavior of bees

Dr. Marina Satika Suzuki
Field of study: Limnology and ecology of coastal lagoons

 Dr. Salvatore Siciliano
Field of study: Ecology and Conservation of Mammals, Birds and Marine Turtles

Dr. Maura da Cunha
Field of study: Ecological plant anatomy and ultrastructure

Dr. Richard Ian Samuels
Field of study: Microbial Control of Insect

  • E-mail:
  • CV Lattes
Dr. Mário Luís Garbin
Field of study: Functional ecology and spatial patterns of plant community organization