The structures field includes studies on production and the physical and chemical characterization of construction materials, in addition to the behavior of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, metal and polymer materials. Studies on construction materials focus on the production and characterization of conventional construction materials based on advanced laboratory and computer techniques. Research developed also includes the production and characterization of new materials, primarily on pozzolans, geopolymers, polymer composites, high-performance concrete, bedding mortar and red ceramic coating, in order to provide greater resistance and durability to structures, with the interrelationship between the properties of materials and aspects related to the sustainability of constructions, such as greenhouse gases, the rational use of raw materials and waste recycling.
With respect to research on the behavior of structures, laboratory studies and numerical modeling are conducted based on static and dynamic analysis of prototypes and real structures. Computational tools for the design and analysis of concrete, steel and polymer composite structures are also developed.
Lines of research in structures:
1. Non-conventional materials and technologies
Project 1 – Development of alternative materials for the mortar, concrete and ceramic industries (Coordinator: Prof. Jonas Alexandre)
Project 2 – Production and characterization of ultrafine cement and pozzolan mixtures (Coordinator: Prof. Guilherme Cordeiro)
Project 3 – Production and characterization of geopolymers
2. Experimental analysis, numerical modeling and computational simulations of structures
Project 4 – Numerical and experimental analysis of structures (Coordinator: Prof. Gines Falcon)