Curricular Structure

The PPGECM organization is based on the General Graduate Regulations of UENF and the Internal Resolutions of the program itself.

To graduate from the Master’s course, the student must complete: a minimum of 25 credits in subjects (1 credit is equal to 17 hours of theoretical classes or 34 hours of practical classes or 51 hours of extra-class activities), a master’s thesis project development and proficiency in a foreign language (English).

To graduate from the Doctoral course, the student must complete: a minimum of 35 credits in subjects, a thesis project development, defense of the doctoral qualification exam and proficiency in a foreign language (English).

The PPGECM / UENF subjects are organized into mandatory subjects, related elective subjects or specific elective subjects, which depend on the chosen line of research. The curriculum meets the requirements aiming the development of dissertations and thesis within the PPGECM / UENF scope, both in theoretical and practical knowledge terms.




MAV 1702 Science and Technology of Materials
MAV 1712 Research (M.Sc)
MAV 1744 Seminars I
MAV 1745 Seminars II
MAV 1757 Materials Characterization I
MAV 1760 Research Methodology
MAV 1806 Research (D.Sc)
MAV 1811 Qualifying Exam
MAV 1812 Seminars III
MAV 1813 Seminars IV



MAV 1706 Physical Metallurgy
MAV 1710 Corrosion
MAV 1714 Introduction to Super Hard Materials Industrial Production
MAV 1735 Fracture Mechanics
MAV 1736 Metallographic Testing
MAV 1749 Polymeric Matrix Composite Materials
MAV 1756 Energy, Environment and Sustainability
MAV 1759 Floor and Wall Ceramic Tyles Processing
MAV 1761 Superhard Materials Structures and Properties
MAV 1765 Applied Statistics
MAV 1767 Polymeric Materials, Structure and Properties
MAV 1768 Polymeric Nanomaterials: Properties and Applications
MAV 1771 Polymeric Materials Mechanical Characterization




MAV 1606 Red Clay and Structural Ceramics Production Techniques
MAV 1607 Sintering theory and Practice
MAV 1610 Superhard Materials Usage in Industry and Science
MAV 1612 Mechanical Testing
MAV 1709 Fracture Mechanics
MAV 1711 Thin Films
MAV 1716 Structural Stability and Metallic Materials Properties
MAV 1718 Electronic Materials
MAV 1720 Thermal Analysis of Materials
MAV 1730 Special Topics in Materials and Environment
MAV 1731 Special Topics in High Hardness Materials
MAV 1732 Special Topics in Polymers and Composites
MAV 1733 Special Topics in Physical Metallurgy
MAV 1734 Special Topics in Materials
MAV 1737 Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals and their Alloys
MAV 1750 Experimental Stress Analysis
MAV 1755 Fatigue
MAV 1758 Materials Characterization II
MAV 1762 Mechanical Properties
MAV 1763 High Hardness Materials Processing Methods
MAV 1764 Mortar for Masonry Fixing and Ceiling Technological Properties
MAV 1766 Natural Fibers Reinforced Composite Materials
MAV 1769 Industrial Waste Management in Ceramics Industry
MAV 1770 Industrial Waste in Ceramics Industry