Area of Concentration and Research Lines
Area of Concentration:
Materials, Characterization, Processing, Properties and Environment
Research Lines:
Research line 1: Ceramic and Sustainable Materials
Research project 1.1: Clay matrix ceramics and ceramic films
Research project 1.2: Cement materials and geopolymers
Research project 1.3: Waste recycling
Research line 2: Hard, superhard materials and metals and their alloys
Research project 2.1: Metals and their alloys corrosion: structure, stability and properties
Research project 2.2: Synthesis and sintering of superhard materials and cutting tools
Research line 3: Polymeric Materials and Nanomaterials
Research project 3.1: Polymeric materials with magnetic nano charges and carbon allotropes
Research project 3.2: Biofilms and nanostructured polymeric membranes
Research project 3.3: Polymeric composites with natural origin fillers