Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora
Conservation status of the southernmost reef of the Amazon Reef System: the Parcel de Manuel Luís
Doce River Estuary: Geochemical Changes Following the Largest Tailing Spill in South America
Evolutionary diversity in tropical tree communities peaks at intermediate precipitation
Expanding tropical forest monitoring into Dry Forests: The DRYFLOR protocol for permanent plots
New bacterial and archaeal lineages discovered in organic rich sediments of a large tropical Bay
Plasma membrane H+ pump at a crossroads of acidic and iron stresses in yeast-to-hypha transition
The trophic ecology of marine catfishes in south-eastern Brazil
The Biophysical Controls of Macroalgal Growth on Subtropical Reefs
Use of stable isotopes in the evaluation of fish trophic guilds from a tropical hypersaline lagoon