Acclimation with humic acids enhances maize and tomato tolerance to salinity
A multiproxy approach to characterize the sedimentation of organic carbon in the Amazon continental shelf
Análise de vegetação em planos de manejo de Unidades de Conservação em áreas de restinga
An Introduction to the Callithrix Genus and Overview of Recent Advances in Marmoset Research
Assessment of carbon fluxes to coastal area during persistent drought conditions
Burrow occupation rates and spatial distribution within habitat of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787): Implications for impact assessments
Carbon and alkalinity outwelling across the groundwater-creek-shelf continuum off Amazonian mangroves
Changes in water-extractable organic matter in tropical forest and agricultural soils as detected by the DRIFT spectroscopy technique
Conserved rhodolith microbiomes across environmental gradients of the Great Amazon Reef
Cytogenotoxicity of the water and sediment of the Paraopeba River immediately after the iron ore mining dam disaster (Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Diet and abundance of the barber goby Elacatinus figaro on Brazilian marginal reefs: ecological predictors and reliance on cleaning interactions
Diversidade de espécies de Leguminosae arbóreas nas florestas costeiras do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Does the colors of light matter? Testing different light color in nocturnal underwater visual censuses
Immediate and long-term impacts of one of the worst mining tailing dam failure worldwide (Bento Rodrigues, Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Evaluation of the concentrations of elements at trace level in the Serinhaem River estuary, Bahia, Brazil, using chemometric tools
Fish and spearfisher traits contributing to catch composition
Floristic composition, structure and species-area relationships on a neotropical inselberg in southeastern Brazil
Genomic skimming and nanopore sequencing uncover cryptic hybridization in one of world’s most threatened primates
Ghost fishing of the Atlantic Ghost Crab
Ichthyofauna associated with sandy beaches of the rio Machado, tributary of the rio Madeira, northern Brazil
Influence of environmental variables over multiple spatial scales on the population structure of a key marine invertebrate
Isotopic niche of coastal fish and cephalopods off the Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil
Leaf habits and their relationship with leaf and wood traits in tropical dry forests
Linking ecomechanical models and functional traits to understand phenotypic diversity
Long-term trophic state responses of a large tropical coastal lagoon to land use changes and nutrient transport
Low Densities of the Ghost Crab Ocypode quadrata Related to Large Scale Human Modification of Sandy Shores
Macroinvertebrates as biomonitors of pollutants on natural sandy beaches: Overview and meta-analysis
Macroinvertebrates as umbrella species on sandy beaches
Mercury and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the natal Fur of two Antarctic pinniped species
Metals and organic matter baselines in sediments in a cross-shelf gradient at Abrolhos Bank, SW Atlantic
Mitogenomic phylogeny of Callithrix with special focus on human transferred taxa
Musculoskeletal anatomy and nomenclature of the mammalian epipubic bones
Nitrogen isotope enrichment associated with skull shape variation in the Dwarf little fruit bat Rhinophylla pumilio
Optimizing Large-Scale Biodiversity Sampling Effort: Toward an Unbalanced Survey Design
Risk of Collapse in Water Quality in the Guandu River (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Role of spatial and environmental factors in structuring vascular epiphyte communities in two neotropical ecosystems
Social and Ecological Elements for a Perspective Approach to Citizen Science on the Beach
Spatial distribution of sea turtles on South Atlantic subtropical reefs
Survival, seedlings growth and natural regeneration in areasunder ecological restoration in a sandy coastal plain(restinga) of southeastern Brazil
Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots
Temporal Variability of Air-Sea CO2 flux in the Western Tropical North Atlantic Influenced by the Amazon River Plume
The impacts of marking on bats: mark-recapture models for assessing injury rates and tag loss
Trajetórias de nicho individual em tartarugas verdes do Atol das Rocas, Brasil: uma ferramenta isotópica para verificar trocas de dieta ao longo do tempo
Trophic assessment and isotopic niches of the sympatric penaeids species Penaeus brasiliensis and P. paulensis in SW Atlantic estuarine systems
Uncharted coral reefs from the Inhambane Province, Mozambique