Prof. Ricardo Martínez García

Prof. Ricardo Martínez García

Doutorado em Ciências Físicas – Universidad de Zaragoza, UNIZAR, Espanha – 2008.


Tel.: ARGENTINA +54 11 5285 0485


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H-Index 13; Publications 30; Total Times Cited 559; Average Citations Per item; 18,63; Average Citations Per Year: 25,40. (Scopus – 22/11/2022)


Linha de PesquisaMateriais Poliméricos e Nanomateriais

Projetos de Pesquisa:

  1. Membranas nanoestruturadas e Biopolimeros com nanocargas;
  2. Compósitos poliméricos com carga de origem natural e/ou funcionais.


Publicações mais relevantes:

  • Synthesis and magnetic properties of cobalt-iron/cobalt-ferrite soft/hard magnetic core/shell nanowires. NANOTECHNOLOGY, v.28, p.245605, 2017.
  • Facile synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanotubes using bacterial nanocellulose as template. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, v.137, p.726, 2016.
  • Modification of the magnetic properties in molecular magnets based on Prussian blue analogues through adsorbed species. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER, v.18, p.11243, 2006.
  • Thermal-Induced Changes in Molecular Magnets Based on Prussian Blue Analogues. THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v.110, p.7296, 2006.
  • Structural characterization of low temperature synthesized SrFe12O19. MATERIALS LETTERS, v.50, p.183, 2001.


Endereço do Lattes: ID Lattes: 4835641401425717