Words from ASSAII

We at ASSAII are very happy with the publication of this special volume of the periodical “Conhecendo a Ciência”, which brings the product of the I English Writing Workshop given to undergraduate students at UENF. It is important that our University provides its students with the opportunity to improve their language skills. In this context, the I English Writing Workshop was a positive and joint experience between ASSAII and ProPPG to stimulate and provide space for communication and diffusion of scientific knowledge in English.

UENF’s mission is to create and disseminate scientific, technological and artistic know ledge, to train professionals with the ability to seek solutions to society’s challenges, and to contribute to the country’s scientific development. This mission will be difficult to achieve with excellence by a university alien to the international intellectual zeitgeist, and which does not train, or does not have on its staff, professionals with international and global compe tencies. The internationalization of a university should not be measured only by student or faculty mobility. It is much broader and should be seen as a process of international integration with the purpose of improving the quality of education, research, and extension for all.
Thus, we should not only focus on mobility, but also on the linguistic training of the members of the university community. Having our students able to communicate in English, either orally or through scientific writing, will be fundamental for them to take better advantage of international opportunities such as participation in events, internships, article submission, future
jobs, among others.
Thus, we hope that more students will be interested in the next English Writing Workshop and that they will understand the importance of this opportunity that is being offered to them by UENF.

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