1. Where is the ASSAII office?

A: The ASSAII office is located on the main campus of UENF (city of Campos dos Goytacazes, about 300 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro), on the first floor of the E1 building next to the Vice-Rectorate room.


  1. Does ASSAII translate documents for students or teachers?

A: No, the documents must be sent to a translator (graduated in this qualification).


  1. Is a visa required to travel from Brazil to other countries?

A: It is a matter that involves the sovereignty of each country,and may change at any time, without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend direct contact with the diplomatic representation of target country.

Contact data of Embassies and Consulates of other countries in Brazil are available at the Portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  1. Is a visa required to travel to Brazil?

A: To know if you need a visa to travel to Brazil, consult the Consular Portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  1. I’m not Brazilian, how do I get my CPF?

A: The CPF is a document made up of 11 numbers, issued by the Internal Revenue Service that manages the database with taxpayers’ registration information.

Foreign residents can register on the IRS website to obtain the CPF. It is necessary to fill out the electronic form, send it and print it. If printing is not possible, note the protocol number generated by the website. The registration service can also be held personally and free of charge at a post office in Brazil.

The printed form or protocol number must be presented, along with a copy of your personal documents, at the Federal Revenue Office. In case you are not in Brazil, it is necessary to go to the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate in your origin country in order to obatin the CPF number.

Federal Revenue Office in Campos dos Goytacazes: Rui Barbosa, 975 – Centro

Federal Revenue Office  in Macaé: Rua: Dr. Francisco Portela 569A, Centro.

Street: Gov. Roberto Silveira, Centro.

Note: The Federal Revenue Service also provides electronic service.


  1. I am not Brazilian, how do I get the RNM and the CRNM (National Migratory Registry/National Migratory Registry Card)?

A: After arriving in Brazil, you will be able to request the RNM (an identity number that legalizes the stay in the country and a necessary document to open a bank account in Brazil) within 30 days of arrival. In the past, this document was called the RNE (National Registry of Foreigners), so you can also find this name in banks or on official websites.

It will be necessary to schedule an available date to take the documents to the Federal Police, that will provide the student  a protocol number until the issue of the CRNM, which may take some time. It is necessary to have a declaration of residence (address in Brazil), CPF number and other documents for this process.

Address of the Federal Police in Campos dos Goytacazes: Rua Dr. Silvio Bastos Tavares, 330, Parque dos Rodoviários.

Federal Police Address in Macaé: Av. Camilo Nogueira da Gama, 230, Botafogo.


  1. How do I take money abroad?

A: The best way is by international cards, as they can be used to buy anything and withdraw money at any ATM (cash machines). These cards are available at any bank, talk to your manager.

You can also take some cash and travel money (visa travel money is a prepaid card with credit status, exclusive for those who intend to travel abroad. With it, the user can make purchases and withdraw money at electronic terminals quickly and conveniently, free of bureaucracy).


  1. How can the International Office of ASSAII help me?

A: See the item “International Office and mobility” on the site to check the assignments of our International Office.


  1. I want to take a graduation course in UENF. How should I proceed?

A: There are only two ways to enter the undergraduate institution: one is through ENEM/SiSu (currently the main way to study at the University) and the other is by the vestibular UENF, for distance learning courses offered by the institution.


  1. I want to do master’s or doctorate at UENF. What should I do?

A: Each Postgraduate Program offers selective processes by public notice. UENF has 14 Postgraduate Courses. Visit the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação website and the Programs website for more information.


  1. What are the initial procedures to participate in Academic Mobility in a foreign institution?

A: If you are a student registered with the UENF and would like to participate in the Academic Mobility in a foreign institution, please visit the following link: http://uenf.br/reitoria/assaii/international-office/apoio-aos-estudantes/estudantes-brasileiros-mobilidade-saida/

You can contact ASSAII by e-mail assaii@uenf.br for further clarifications.


  1. How can I ask other questions about Academic Mobility in a foreign institution?

A: It is important that the future candidate reads all the information that is on the ASSAII website and on the website of the University chosen to participate in the International Academic Mobility. If you have any questions, please contact ASSAII at assaii@uenf.br.


  1. Which countries does UENF have international partnerships with?

A: See the item “Agreements, Cooperation Agreements and Protocols of Intent” on the ASSAII website for formal partnerships. However, several teachers have international collaborations that are not signed as agreements, but may be an option for students who want to make mobility. This information is on the interactive map of the ASSAII website.


  1. I am an international student and would like to extend the exchange for another semester. How should I proceed?

A: Contact your course coordinator for more information.


  1. I will study a semester abroad. Will I miss a semester at UENF?

A: It is possible to request equivalences of the subjects studied abroad at SECACAD (Academic Secretariat). Each situation will be evaluated individually and it is not guaranteed that it will obtain equivalency. However, the experience of spending a semester abroad is valid, even if the subjects cannot be officially taken advantage of in your Educational History.


  1. What are the procedures to validate my diploma obtained abroad?

A: The diploma validation must be verified with the Ministry of Education of the destination country, or equivalent body, because each country has its own rules and regulations.


  1. What are the procedures in Brazil for the recognition (post-graduation) or the revalidation (undergraduate) of diplomas obtained abroad?

A: The entire process should be conducted at the Carolina Bori Platform (http://plataformacarolinabori.mec.gov.br/). You must sing up the Platform, choose the University where you want to request recognition or revalidation of your diploma, and fill in the required fields.


  1. I am a professor at UENF and would like to formalize a partnership with international education institution or a research institute. How should I proceed?

A: Please refer to the item “Support for teachers”, on the ASSAII website, to understand the necessary procedures. Proposals for collaboration agreements should be sent to the ASSAII by email: assaii@uenf.br


  1. How do I find out about scholarship opportunities abroad?

A: ASSAII often announce international opportunities for all members of the academic community through the Communications Consultancy (ASCOM), such as scholarships, calls for project funding, and others. We maintain a history of these opportunities on our website. To find out what opportunities have already been disclosed, click on the following link: http://uenf.br/reitoria/assaii/oportunidades-no-exterior/


  1. I’m a foreign student and I need medical attention, am I eligible?

A: Every Brazilian citizen or foreigner who lives in the country can be assisted by the Unified Health System (SUS) and obtain the National Health Card. The card stores individual data about SUS users, such as the dates and places where this patient was seen, which services were provided, by which professional, and which procedures were performed.

The SUS card is very easy and fast to apply for, in addition to being free of charge. The registration can be made in person at the municipal Health Department or at any  SUS Health Unit. And a pre-registration can be made through the website, so that your request can be anticipated. After completing this stage, you must print the protocol, which will be valid for 90 days, and go to the nearest health unit in order to receive your card, always carrying your ID and CPF.

To issue the card you must present:

– ID document (RG);

– CPF;

– Birth certificate or marriage certificate.

– In some municipalities it is requested a proof of residence, such as water, electricity or telephone bill

Anyway, it is important to remember that no one will be prevented from receiving service for not carrying or having an SUS card.

For more information, see the item “Foreign students – How to join the UENF, arrival mobility, visa, documents and medical care” on the ASSAII website