ASSAII also takes care of prospecting, identifying, disseminating and managing partnerships with educational, research and community outreach institutions from Brazil and other countries, as well as public organizations such as Local and State governments and private entities.

Partnerships can result in Covenants, Cooperation Agreements or Memorandum of Understanding, these instruments being described below:

Covenant – Involve the participation of two or more institutions, with the transfer of financial resources, declaring and proposing an intention of partnership and collaboration.

Cooperation agreement – Involve the participation of two or more institutions, without financial resources, such as collaborations involving the use of physical space, mobility of researchers or students, training, among others.

Memorandum of Understanding – General documents that address the intention of two or more institutions to establish formal covenants and agreements in the future. They do not involve financial resources. It is a preparatory instrument that formalizes a future commitment by the parties to conclude an agreement in terms that will  be defined in the future. It is a letter of intent and, therefore, does not require the procedure described for the cases of Covenants and Cooperation Agreements.

These can be proposed by ASSAII or by Laboratories. The former usually involve the entire UENF or various sectors of the University, including different Science Centers.

All proposals for Covenants and Cooperation agreements from Laboratories go through the following administrative steps:

1 – Approval by the professors of the Laboratory;
2 – Approval by the Center Council;
3 – Analysis by ASSAII;
4 – Analysis by AgiUENF, if there is a need to manage financial resources;
5 – Analysis by the Legal Advisory of UENF – ASJUR;
6 – Evaluation by the Rectory;
7 – Analysis and approval of the Academic Collegiate of UENF – COLAC;
8 – Signature of the Rector.