Materiais e artigos para prova de conhecimentos gerais

1 – Millions of Trees Were Removed in 2021, Hurting Climate Goals. E&E News on April 28, 2022
2 – Long COVID and kids: more research is urgently needed. Nature.  V. 602,  February 2022 
3 – How recycling urine could help save the world.  Nature.  V. 602,  February  2022
4 – Climate change will boost animal meet-ups and viral outbreaks. Nature.  V. 605,  May  2022
5 – A golden era of cancer clinical trials. Nature Medicine. V. 28, April, 2022
6 – Aplicações e implicações do ozônio na indústria, ambiente e saúde.  Quim. Nova. v.44, 2021
7 – Microplásticos: ocorrência ambiental e desafios analíticos.  Quim. Nova. V. 44, 2021
8 – Want research integrity stop the blame game. Nature. V. 599, 2021
9 – COVID-19 – A time for renewed recognition of science – EBioMedicine – V.56, 2020
10 – Evolution of nitrogen cycling in regrowing Amazonian rainforest. Scientific Reports, 2019
11 – Plant chemophenetics − A new term for plant chemosystematics- plant chemotaxonomy in the macro-molecular era. Phytochemistry.  V. 163, 2019
12 – A review of global environmental mercury processes. Ambio. V. 47, 2018
13 – Nanodiamonds: The intersection of nanotechnology, drug development, and personalized medicine. Sci Adv.  v. 1, August 2015
14 – Da escassez ao estresse do planeta um século de mudanças no ciclo do nitrogênio. Quim. Nova, V.36, 2013
15 – Químico-Biologia quantitativa um novo paradigma. Quim. Nova. v. 35, 2012
16  – A quantidade de matéria nas ciências clássicas. Quim. Nova. V.32, 2009
17  – Defining-the-Scientific-method.  Nature Methods. v. 6, 2009
18 -Energia meio ambiente e economia o Brasil no contexto mundial. Quim. Nova. V. 32, 2009
19 – Environmental risks of nanotechnology. Environ. Sci. Technol. V. 40, 2006
20-Dez ideias (mal) feitas sobre a Educação Inclusiva – capítulo do livro – 2006
21 – Mecânica quântica – uma nova imagem do mundo.  Ciência Hoje. V.36, 2005
22 – Fruits, Salads, and Smoothies – A working definition of interdisciplinarity – Journal Education Thought -V.29 – 1995
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